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"The Sun Shines Not On Us But Within Us"

That post was above was by a fellow named John Muir... He probably never did yoga but he was a naturist and loved going to peaceful places (specifically the mountains). When I want to go someplace peaceful.. it is usually a yoga room... even a hot yoga room. While I may not find peace at the beginning, it's sort of like climbing a mountain. I know when I finish that class there will be a level of peace that I am seeking.

At Hot Yoga Bliss Vacations, I have found peace in a place called Punta Serena Resort & Spa on Mexico's Pacific Coast. we do hot yoga retreats in the Bikram Method and we just added a PowerBliss Week combining Bikram and Hot Vinyasa.

It's a "hidden gem" according to some of our guest who have come and spent a week. The food is amazing.... the yoga room is brand new and I feel like I want to share this slice of paradise with as many people as i can!

Come. The sun will shine not only on you but within you as well. Retreat Yourself.. check out our dates...

Punta Serena Resort & Spa

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